SWING: New Innovations in Thermal Sealing

The name SWING in packaging is not new, but its modern & innovative look is very avant garde. Consider the thermal sealer for a number of packaging applications in food where full automation is not possible.

Offered by Custom Pak Solutions in the U.S., SWING consists of high-tech plastics which give the product rounded, sinuous, and ergonomic forms.  The plastic material is equivalent to sheet metal in terms of thermal and mechanical features, as also used in space technology.


SWING features:

> contemporary sealing and shrinking

> working cycle settings and control through an electronic multifunctional control panel

> automatic adjustment of sealing-time

> energy-saving function – the machine goes in “stand-by” after certain amount of time

> unit counter

> cooling system included

Custom Pak Solutions | (201) 742-5308 | www.custompaksolutions.com