Sirio 150 and 250 Sleeving Systems

Last born among the products of E-Packaging, is the result of experience gained in the application of the sleeve. Innovation, safety, versatility and affordability are the weapons that make it truly competitive. Applicator for heat shrink sleeve labels. For total body application and/or security label on the cap.


    VELOCITÀ / SPEED / VITESSE: 100-150bpm DIMENSIONI PRODOTTO / PRODUCT DIMENSION / DIMENSION DE PRODUIT: Max. Ø 125mm - Min. 40mm LUNGHEZZA / LENGHT / LONGUEUR SLEEVE: Max. 300mm - Min. 40mm SEMI-PERIMETRO / LAY-FLAT SLEEVE: Max. 200mm - Min. 65mm DIAM. BOBINA SLEEVE / SLEEVE ROLL / SLEEVE ROULEAU: Ext. Max. Ø 600 - Int. Ø 75mm POTENZA / POWER / PUISSANCE: 3KW/400V+N+ DIMENSIONI / DIMENSION / DIMENSIONS: H=2000 X L=1750 X P=1100mm OPTIONS: Perforatore lineare pneumatico / Pneumatic linear perforator/Perforateur lineaire pneumatiqu

Sirio 250

    VELOCITÀ / SPEED / VITESSE: 200-2500bpm DIMENSIONI PRODOTTO / PRODUCT DIMENSION / DIMENSION DE PRODUIT: Max. Ø 125mm - Min. 40mm LUNGHEZZA / LENGHT / LONGUEUR SLEEVE: Max. 300mm - Min. 40mm SEMI-PERIMETRO / LAY-FLAT SLEEVE: Max. 200mm - Min. 65mm DIAM. BOBINA SLEEVE / SLEEVE ROLL / SLEEVE ROULEAU: Ext. Max. Ø 600 - Int. Ø 75mm POTENZA / POWER / PUISSANCE: 4KW/400V+N+ DIMENSIONI / DIMENSION / DIMENSIONS: H=2100 X L=2350 X P=1100 OPTIONS: Perforatore lineare pneumatico / Pneumatic linear perforator / Perforateur lineaire pneumatiqu